MALE CONTROLLING METHOD Misunderstanding and Truth about vasectomy

Hello, I’m from the urology department.In the past, large families were common, but now it is common for single-person households to move beyond nuclear families. As times have changed, family and children’s plans have changed greatly. There are still many families who want to have many children, but on the other hand, there are many Dink people who want to enjoy their married life without children.If you have no more plans to have children, or if you get an agreement between your husband and wife to spend time as a Dink, you may consider a vasectomy that will have permanent contraceptive effects.

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It is said that vasectomy is the most reliable and safe method of male contraception. However, there are many cases where we cannot make hasty decisions because of various misunderstandings about sexual functions.There is a big misunderstanding and a misunderstanding that sexual function deteriorates, such as a poor erection after surgery. However, since sexual deterioration after vasectomy is a rumor without any medical basis, the burden on male contraceptive methods can be eliminated.

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Men’s contraceptive methods and vasectomy may be done without condoms immediately, but this is also a misunderstanding.The vasectomy is a male contraceptive method that prevents sperm from being discharged outside by separating and tying the vasectomy. About three months after the surgery, sperm that had already been made was accumulated in the seminal sac, but there is a possibility that it will be discharged and you will get pregnant.In order to prevent unplanned pregnancies, it is necessary to discharge sperm out of the urology department sufficiently for a total of 20 times or more over three months.

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After a few years of vasectomy, you may not be able to have surgery easily, wondering what to do if you want to have a child again. In this case, restoration surgery is also possible.The probability of pregnancy is reported to be about 60-70 percent if you undergo a restoration within 10 years of vasectomy, and about 75 percent if you undergo a restoration within 3 years, which is shorter than this.More than 15 years after surgery, the probability of pregnancy decreases significantly, and statistically, the shorter the period between vasectomy and restoration, the higher the chance of pregnancy, so please refer to any changes in your child’s plan.

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If you fix the surgical area for 2-3 days after the vasectomy, it will help you recover quickly. There is a risk of infection in the surgical area, so you can take a shower or take a bath after removing the seam. It takes an average of about a week to remove the seam, and it is possible to have a marital relationship one month after surgery.Men’s contraceptive methods and vasectomy are relatively simple men’s surgeries, but please visit a urologist who has a lot of skills and know-how.

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Kiwoom Men’s Urology Clinic Nowon-gu, Nowon-gu, Seoul Metropolitan Government 480 Light Control Building

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Kiwoom Men’s Urology Clinic Nowon-gu, Nowon-gu, Seoul Metropolitan Government 480 Light Control Building

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